How can I tell if a zebra finch is healthy?

A healthy zebra finch is characterized by the following features: _x000D_


  • Active
  • _x000D_

  • Not puffed up and not panting
  • _x000D_

  • Has good balance and flies well
  • _x000D_

  • Vent area is clean
  • _x000D_

  • Beak is clean and has smooth surface
  • _x000D_

  • Legs are clean and feet are normal
  • _x000D_

  • Seems well nourished
  • _x000D_

  • No plucked areas
  • _x000D_


Most of these topics are covered below, so here I will only mention the general rule,_x000D_
that you can check to see if a bird is well nourished by holding it in your hand and_x000D_
feeling the breastbone. If it feels sharp, the bird is not well nourished. It may take_x000D_
some experience to know when the bird is all right, so try to build up your experience by_x000D_
checking this every time you handle a bird.