Zebra finches will sleep in a nest all year round if one is available. For domesticated_x000D_
zebra finches there is no difference between the two nest types (resting and breeding_x000D_
nests). Allow one nest to each pair.
Personally, I don’t provide nests for my birds out of the breeding season. Our captive_x000D_
zebra finches are not subject to the same seasonal changes that wild zebras are, so there_x000D_
is nothing to prevent them from breeding all year if they have a nest. In the long run_x000D_
breeding constantly is bad for our birds and will shorten their lives considerably. My_x000D_
recommendation is that if you are ready to let your birds breed and the birds are in good_x000D_
health (remember, provide lots of calcium), then by all means do provide a nest. But once_x000D_
they have bred three times consecutively remove the nest again for a few months. A few_x000D_
pairs have been known to take breaks on their own, but in general, we have to stop them_x000D_
from breeding themselves to death. (the alternative is to either separate males and_x000D_
females, or provide poor quality food. First option is a recommended alternative, the_x000D_
second is not for obvious ethical reasons).