I get lots of questions every year. I have gathered some of the most common ones here.
Are Zebra Finches noisy?
Can I breed Zebra Finches with other species?
Should I use a bird bath for my birds?
Do you need to cover the cage at night?
What is the treatment of a prolapsed cloaca?
How do I care for my stressed bird?
What is the length of a Zebra Finch?
What is Nestling Food and how do you feed it?
What do I use for nesting material?
How can you tell how old they are?
Can I keep my Zebra Finches with other birds?
How do I recapture my escaped bird?
Will noise hurt my bird?
How many eggs are in a clutch
What is the scientific name for Zebra Finches?
Can you recommend a good book about Zebra Finches?
What is their natural habitat?
What can you tell me about Eumos?
How do I identify a specific colour?
Short guide to breeding
Basic Care: What do I need to know about cages?
Can I hold my birds?
Can I feed my birds peanut butter, pop corn, etc.?
Can I feed my birds vegetables?
What do zebra finches look like?
Can I release Zebra Finches into the wild?
What kind of medication can I give my finch?
Why can’t this web site help me?
Hvad er forskellen på de to vilde underarter af zebrafinken?
Hvad er zebrafinkens videnskabelige navn, og hvad betyder det?
What do I get when I mate XX to YY?
Can changing temperatures kill Zebra Finches?
Can you tell me the price of XX?
At what age are Zebra Finches old enough to breed?
Is it OK to clip the wings of a Zebra Finch?
What is the breeding season?
Is it normal for the birds to sleep in the nest box?
What does ‘castanotis’ mean?
What does ‘Taeniopygia’ mean?
What does ‘guttata’ mean?
What is the weight of a Zebra Finch?
Where do I buy zebra finches?
My bird keeps laying (unwanted) eggs
My bird has plucked areas
Beak and legs
The vent area is dirty
My bird has lost balance and doesn’t fly well
My bird is puffed up
How can I tell if a zebra finch is healthy?
What do zebra finches eat?
What should I look for when buying zebra finches?
What should I look for when buying a cage for my zebra finches?
I have too many birds now, what do I do with them?
What to do with a lot of eggs
How can I tell if the eggs are fertile?
How long does it take for eggs to hatch?
The birds won’t stay on the nest
My birds keep eating their own eggs
My birds won’t build in the nest
Why won’t my birds breed?
When will the chicks leave the nest?
What can you tell me about Black Cheeked Zebra Finches?
What do I do about scaly face?
What do I do about feather mites?
How often should I change the water?
What time of year should Zebra Finches breed?
Are Zebra Finches best kept in pairs?
Do Zebra Finches mate for life?
Are Zebra Finches monogamous?
What can you tell me about Fawn Zebra Finches?
What can you tell me about Chestnut Flanked White Zebra Finches?
What is the expected life span of zebra finches?
What can you tell me about Grey Zebra Finches?
What can you tell me about Black Faced Zebra Finches?
What can you tell me about Pied Zebra Finches?
Are Zebra Finches easy to tame or train?
What can you tell me about Orange Breasted Zebra Finches?
What can you tell me about Black Breasted Zebra Finches?
How can I tell the difference between males and females?
Should I provide nests for my birds?
Where should I put the cage?
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